It's interesting to see how my body responds to new regimes or diet changes. It always takes a little while, but sooner or later, it seems to get used to it. This is really good news for me, because I have often been quite despondent about feeling as though I am fighting diabetes. The truth, it seems, is that I can 'train' my body to get along with the changes I make, as long as I do it regularly enough. Two or three times a week is a good schedule for exercising - just often enough that it recognises something and remembers how to cope with it (for want of a better description).
I have also felt very good about eating my normal amount of food today. Sometimes, a day or two after fasting, I have felt like I'm eternally hungry, or just want to eat loads even when I'm not. But today is probably the first time I really did just want my usual salad lunch with yoghurt afterwards. (Not forgetting the vital one piece of dark chocolate with my cup of tea.) I'd been eating extra healthily for quite a while, though, and so it didn't surprise me that after first starting the 5:2 I wanted to eat more calorific foods, simply because my calorie intake was already fairly good - according to NHS guidelines, anyway, which stated that I should be consuming between 1492 and 1918 calories per day. My usual intake is somewhere between 1600-1900. Nice.
Eugh, it's raining very heavily outside. I need to go collect my son from nursery soon. Usually I look forward to the exercise - not today!!
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